?plugin.js000064400000013544147331541670006422 0ustar00/** * plugin.js * * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing */ // Forked for WordPress so it can be turned on/off after loading. /*global tinymce:true */ /*eslint no-nested-ternary:0 */ /** * Auto Resize * * This plugin automatically resizes the content area to fit its content height. * It will retain a minimum height, which is the height of the content area when * it's initialized. */ tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpautoresize', function( editor ) { var settings = editor.settings, oldSize = 300, isActive = false; if ( editor.settings.inline || tinymce.Env.iOS ) { return; } function isFullscreen() { return editor.plugins.fullscreen && editor.plugins.fullscreen.isFullscreen(); } function getInt( n ) { return parseInt( n, 10 ) || 0; } /** * This method gets executed each time the editor needs to resize. */ function resize( e ) { var deltaSize, doc, body, docElm, DOM = tinymce.DOM, resizeHeight, myHeight, marginTop, marginBottom, paddingTop, paddingBottom, borderTop, borderBottom; if ( ! isActive ) { return; } doc = editor.getDoc(); if ( ! doc ) { return; } e = e || {}; body = doc.body; docElm = doc.documentElement; resizeHeight = settings.autoresize_min_height; if ( ! body || ( e && e.type === 'setcontent' && e.initial ) || isFullscreen() ) { if ( body && docElm ) { body.style.overflowY = 'auto'; docElm.style.overflowY = 'auto'; // Old IE. } return; } // Calculate outer height of the body element using CSS styles. marginTop = editor.dom.getStyle( body, 'margin-top', true ); marginBottom = editor.dom.getStyle( body, 'margin-bottom', true ); paddingTop = editor.dom.getStyle( body, 'padding-top', true ); paddingBottom = editor.dom.getStyle( body, 'padding-bottom', true ); borderTop = editor.dom.getStyle( body, 'border-top-width', true ); borderBottom = editor.dom.getStyle( body, 'border-bottom-width', true ); myHeight = body.offsetHeight + getInt( marginTop ) + getInt( marginBottom ) + getInt( paddingTop ) + getInt( paddingBottom ) + getInt( borderTop ) + getInt( borderBottom ); // IE < 11, other? if ( myHeight && myHeight < docElm.offsetHeight ) { myHeight = docElm.offsetHeight; } // Make sure we have a valid height. if ( isNaN( myHeight ) || myHeight <= 0 ) { // Get height differently depending on the browser used. myHeight = tinymce.Env.ie ? body.scrollHeight : ( tinymce.Env.webkit && body.clientHeight === 0 ? 0 : body.offsetHeight ); } // Don't make it smaller than the minimum height. if ( myHeight > settings.autoresize_min_height ) { resizeHeight = myHeight; } // If a maximum height has been defined don't exceed this height. if ( settings.autoresize_max_height && myHeight > settings.autoresize_max_height ) { resizeHeight = settings.autoresize_max_height; body.style.overflowY = 'auto'; docElm.style.overflowY = 'auto'; // Old IE. } else { body.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; docElm.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; // Old IE. body.scrollTop = 0; } // Resize content element. if (resizeHeight !== oldSize) { deltaSize = resizeHeight - oldSize; DOM.setStyle( editor.iframeElement, 'height', resizeHeight + 'px' ); oldSize = resizeHeight; // WebKit doesn't decrease the size of the body element until the iframe gets resized. // So we need to continue to resize the iframe down until the size gets fixed. if ( tinymce.isWebKit && deltaSize < 0 ) { resize( e ); } editor.fire( 'wp-autoresize', { height: resizeHeight, deltaHeight: e.type === 'nodechange' ? deltaSize : null } ); } } /** * Calls the resize x times in 100ms intervals. We can't wait for load events since * the CSS files might load async. */ function wait( times, interval, callback ) { setTimeout( function() { resize(); if ( times-- ) { wait( times, interval, callback ); } else if ( callback ) { callback(); } }, interval ); } // Define minimum height. settings.autoresize_min_height = parseInt(editor.getParam( 'autoresize_min_height', editor.getElement().offsetHeight), 10 ); // Define maximum height. settings.autoresize_max_height = parseInt(editor.getParam( 'autoresize_max_height', 0), 10 ); function on() { if ( ! editor.dom.hasClass( editor.getBody(), 'wp-autoresize' ) ) { isActive = true; editor.dom.addClass( editor.getBody(), 'wp-autoresize' ); // Add appropriate listeners for resizing the content area. editor.on( 'nodechange setcontent keyup FullscreenStateChanged', resize ); resize(); } } function off() { var doc; // Don't turn off if the setting is 'on'. if ( ! settings.wp_autoresize_on ) { isActive = false; doc = editor.getDoc(); editor.dom.removeClass( editor.getBody(), 'wp-autoresize' ); editor.off( 'nodechange setcontent keyup FullscreenStateChanged', resize ); doc.body.style.overflowY = 'auto'; doc.documentElement.style.overflowY = 'auto'; // Old IE. oldSize = 0; } } if ( settings.wp_autoresize_on ) { // Turn resizing on when the editor loads. isActive = true; editor.on( 'init', function() { editor.dom.addClass( editor.getBody(), 'wp-autoresize' ); }); editor.on( 'nodechange keyup FullscreenStateChanged', resize ); editor.on( 'setcontent', function() { wait( 3, 100 ); }); if ( editor.getParam( 'autoresize_on_init', true ) ) { editor.on( 'init', function() { // Hit it 10 times in 200 ms intervals. wait( 10, 200, function() { // Hit it 5 times in 1 sec intervals. wait( 5, 1000 ); }); }); } } // Reset the stored size. editor.on( 'show', function() { oldSize = 0; }); // Register the command. editor.addCommand( 'wpAutoResize', resize ); // On/off. editor.addCommand( 'wpAutoResizeOn', on ); editor.addCommand( 'wpAutoResizeOff', off ); }); plugin.min.js000064400000004450147331541670007200 0ustar00tinymce.PluginManager.add("wpautoresize",function(g){var m=g.settings,h=300,c=!1;function f(e){return parseInt(e,10)||0}function y(e){var t,o,n,i,a,s,l,u,r,d=tinymce.DOM;c&&(o=g.getDoc())&&(e=e||{},t=o.body,o=o.documentElement,n=m.autoresize_min_height,!t||e&&"setcontent"===e.type&&e.initial||g.plugins.fullscreen&&g.plugins.fullscreen.isFullscreen()?t&&o&&(t.style.overflowY="auto",o.style.overflowY="auto"):(i=g.dom.getStyle(t,"margin-top",!0),a=g.dom.getStyle(t,"margin-bottom",!0),s=g.dom.getStyle(t,"padding-top",!0),l=g.dom.getStyle(t,"padding-bottom",!0),u=g.dom.getStyle(t,"border-top-width",!0),r=g.dom.getStyle(t,"border-bottom-width",!0),(i=t.offsetHeight+f(i)+f(a)+f(s)+f(l)+f(u)+f(r))&&im.autoresize_min_height&&(n=i),m.autoresize_max_height&&i>m.autoresize_max_height?(n=m.autoresize_max_height,t.style.overflowY="auto",o.style.overflowY="auto"):(t.style.overflowY="hidden",o.style.overflowY="hidden",t.scrollTop=0),n!==h&&(a=n-h,d.setStyle(g.iframeElement,"height",n+"px"),h=n,tinymce.isWebKit&&a<0&&y(e),g.fire("wp-autoresize",{height:n,deltaHeight:"nodechange"===e.type?a:null}))))}function n(e,t,o){setTimeout(function(){y(),e--?n(e,t,o):o&&o()},t)}g.settings.inline||tinymce.Env.iOS||(m.autoresize_min_height=parseInt(g.getParam("autoresize_min_height",g.getElement().offsetHeight),10),m.autoresize_max_height=parseInt(g.getParam("autoresize_max_height",0),10),m.wp_autoresize_on&&(c=!0,g.on("init",function(){g.dom.addClass(g.getBody(),"wp-autoresize")}),g.on("nodechange keyup FullscreenStateChanged",y),g.on("setcontent",function(){n(3,100)}),g.getParam("autoresize_on_init",!0))&&g.on("init",function(){n(10,200,function(){n(5,1e3)})}),g.on("show",function(){h=0}),g.addCommand("wpAutoResize",y),g.addCommand("wpAutoResizeOn",function(){g.dom.hasClass(g.getBody(),"wp-autoresize")||(c=!0,g.dom.addClass(g.getBody(),"wp-autoresize"),g.on("nodechange setcontent keyup FullscreenStateChanged",y),y())}),g.addCommand("wpAutoResizeOff",function(){var e;m.wp_autoresize_on||(c=!1,e=g.getDoc(),g.dom.removeClass(g.getBody(),"wp-autoresize"),g.off("nodechange setcontent keyup FullscreenStateChanged",y),e.body.style.overflowY="auto",e.documentElement.style.overflowY="auto",h=0)}))});