? 'div',
'class_name' => 'wp-block-media-text',
while ( $block_tag_processor->next_tag( $block_query ) ) {
if ( $image_fill ) {
// The markup below does not work with the deprecated `is-image-fill` class.
$block_tag_processor->remove_class( 'is-image-fill' );
$block_tag_processor->add_class( 'is-image-fill-element' );
$content = $block_tag_processor->get_updated_html();
$media_tag_processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $content );
$wrapping_figure_query = array(
'tag_name' => 'figure',
'class_name' => 'wp-block-media-text__media',
if ( $has_media_on_right ) {
// Loop through all the figure tags and set a bookmark on the last figure tag.
while ( $media_tag_processor->next_tag( $wrapping_figure_query ) ) {
$media_tag_processor->set_bookmark( 'last_figure' );
if ( $media_tag_processor->has_bookmark( 'last_figure' ) ) {
$media_tag_processor->seek( 'last_figure' );
// Insert a unique ID to identify the figure tag.
$media_tag_processor->set_attribute( 'id', $unique_id );
} else {
if ( $media_tag_processor->next_tag( $wrapping_figure_query ) ) {
// Insert a unique ID to identify the figure tag.
$media_tag_processor->set_attribute( 'id', $unique_id );
$content = $media_tag_processor->get_updated_html();
// Add the image tag inside the figure tag, and update the image attributes
// in order to display the featured image.
$media_size_slug = isset( $attributes['mediaSizeSlug'] ) ? $attributes['mediaSizeSlug'] : 'full';
$image_tag = '';
$content = preg_replace(